Wednesday 14 January 2015

Can Love Be Defined By Science?

Welcome back my fellow learners, today we are going to learn about the scientific definition of LOVE!

Some people fear the scientific definition of love. They assume it will take away all the magic and mystery. I suggest that there is nothing to be scared about. Scientific definitions should they affect the public will only help to put people in touch with more things to wonder about. More commonly it gives people ways to be more accurate about somethings most of us do not understand or comprehend. And with that in mind let’s begin with the science and definition of love.

Human brains neurochemically and neuroelectrically compute everything that we do including love. A large amount of evidence is slowly be built which shows healthy real love creates all kinds of healthy neurochemical and biological things to occur. There is also an enormous amount of research showing the lack of real love in the lives’ of creatures can cause serious dysfunction and at rare times death. Not only this, we already know there are some things that are connected with love that causes all kinds of different neurochemical changes within a brain, which will then influence the biochemistry of a persons body. All this says is that one day the brain and biological sciences will be able to provide us something of a physiologically based definition of love. Hopefully such a definition will be understood by the masses, and maybe put to practical use with relationships. 

New discoveries add to our understanding of love, and how it is processed in the brain. This may also prove to be helpful medically. Currently research is not sufficient to be able to describe, let alone define love scientifically. In point of fact, we may never be able to do this, due to the fact love could be a phenomenon which is processed by the brain, but not however, created by it. But, every year several scientific disciplines are constantly finding new things out which relates to love. These discoveries offer us trend evidence as to what love is all about, and these discoveries could be quite useful.

Monday 12 January 2015

What Happened To The Dinosaurs?

Welcome back my fellow learners, today we are going to find out what exactly happened to those Goliath all those decades ago

For over 150 million years, those Goliath known as dinosaurs ruled the Earth. They were so good at it, that other animal species, including mammals, had very little chance of taking anything but a secondary role on.

Then, suddenly nearly 65 million years ago, they all disappeared from the face of the earth completely. Did they have a quick and painless end?, or did this happen gradually?
With their search for answers to what wiped dinosaurs out, scientists looked beyond fossils. Geological evidence has some clues and contributed to several hypotheses of how dinosaurs become extinct.

This mystery is not a simple whodunit. The same evidence can sometimes be subject to several interpretations. To date there is no piece of evidence which can support only one hypothesis, above all others.

Scientific evidence are the building blocks of all hypotheses. To begin with, the same evidence can support multiple hypotheses. As more evidence comes to light, some hypotheses are then substantiated, whilst others are disproved, and eventually new ones are created.

Did a colliding giant asteroid or comet manage to change the shape of life on Earth?
It is agreed that an object which is 10 kilometres across, hit just off the coast of Yucatan peninsula over 65 million years ago.

According to some that maintain dinosaurs became extinction over night, the impact must have spelled a cataclysmic result.

For months, scientists state, that thick clouds of dust closed off the sun's rays, darkening and chilling the planet to dangerous levels for many plant life and, in turn, a lot of animals. When the dust finally lifted, greenhouse gases that were created by this impact made temperatures sky-rocket rising above pre-impact levels.

In only a few years, these frigid and sweltering extremes were the cause of the extinction of not only dinosaurs, but up to 70% of plants and animal life that were around at the time.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

What Is The Oldest Living Tree Species?

Welcome back my fellow learners, hope you all had a good New Year? Today we are going to learn about the Ginkgo tree.

This is one late bloomer. Ginkgo, which is the oldest tree species, has been used medicinally for around 4,000 years. However, it has only been the last two decades that medical researchers discovered evidence which could offer a glimmer of hope for a range of age-related issues.

Ginkgo trees, also referred to as maidenhairs, are planted on city streets. The tree's fruit gives out an awful smell when decomposing, and can sometimes cause skin irritations, however, the almond shaped seeds found within is a prize indeed within Asian markets. It is the pretty, fan-shaped leaf, not the fruit, which has excited scientists lately.

Although little known outside of health food stores, a concentrated extract has been the number one drug within Germany, where it is commonly used to aid asthma and circulation issues. And, unlike most plant-based agents, ginkgo preparations have been thoroughly tested on people, not just on animals and laboratories.

Powerful medicine
What's exactly is in ginkgo extract, and what does it do?

Gingko is said to greatly improve tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears, relieve a few Alzheimer's symptoms, decrease inflammation due to asthma and allergies, combat stroke damage, reduce multiple sclerosis outbreaks and decrease peripheral vascular disease.

The active ingredients include compounds known as ginkgolides. One of these, is ginkgolide B, has been proved to suppress a clot promoting substance found within the human body know as platelet activating factor, or PAF for short. Since PAF is a main player in a body fighting against allergic inflammation and asthma, the disease-fighting potential of this plant is most intriguing.

This and other substances have shown numerous benefits for old age, especially those resulting from a reduced blood supply to the brain. These effects are said to come from the ginkgo's ability to be able to dilate arteries and capillaries, which are the blood vessels which nourishes a body's tissues.  

Monday 5 January 2015

What Is The Oldest Spoken Language In The World?

Welcome back my fellow learners, today we are going to find out about the oldest language in the world today.

All languages which are spoken today result from the slow and gradual evolution spanning from the first grunts humans used. There is no point where a language is not the same language, and should language X still be referred to as X over 2,000 years later, it's only for historical, cultural or other reasons, and not for linguistic ones. The actual answer to which is the oldest language, is there is none, because all languages are nearly as old.

But, should you ask which languages have a slower rate of evolution, such as a modern speaker could find texts comprehensible, then that's a whole different kettle of fish.

Firstly, there is virtually no way of knowing the pronunciation of languages which are more than a couple of centuries old. subsequently, even though modern Chinese today, could read older Chinese, it's unlikely they could understand anything should they hear it spoken today as it was then, so you have to agree to rely on written texts solely, for a better solution.

Secondly, forget about the linguistic tags which are attached to texts, such as Old Norse, this could be legible for today's Scandinavian speaker, whilst Old English will be less comprehensible for a person speaking today's English.

Lastly, it's hard to correctly understand the level of comprehension of an average person, especially should you factor in cultural differences, which could account for a population understanding older texts which otherwise display a similar amount of variation. For example, should a modern Arab speaker of a dialect would be able to understand texts from the 8th century, it's only due to the fact these texts were part of their education. Are Chinese children shown and taught ancient dialects? Tamil speakers? Icelandic speakers? We have no idea, however, it probably plays a serious role with their level of understanding.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Who Founded Facebook?

Welcome back my fellow learners, today we are going to learn about the origins of facebook, and how it has been allegedly misused.

The beginning of Facebook have been disputed from the moment 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg created the site in February 4, 2004. it was originally named, and was an instant success. However, 6 years later, the controversy which surrounds Facebook is still ongoing. A week after it was launched, Mark was accused by 3 Harvard seniors of stealing the idea off them.

This soon became a lawsuit, as a competing company created by these seniors sued Mark and Facebook for fraud and theft, beginning a legal battle which still rages even today.

New information uncovered suggests some of the complaints against Mark were infact valid. It also suggests that, on one occasion, Mark used private login data obtained from Facebook's servers to enter members' private email accounts, and read their emails, this is a gross misuse of information. Also, it suggests he hacked into the competing company's systems, and altered user information trying to make the site less useful.

The main dispute surrounding Facebook's origins was whether Mark entered into an agreement with the seniors, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra, to create a similar site for them, and then, stalled their project and taking their ideas to build his own site.

In 2007, Massachusetts Judge Douglas P. Woodlock said these allegations were paper thin. Referring to the agreement which Mark allegedly breached, Woodlock wrote also, that dorm room chat is not deemed an actual contract. A year later, the judge ruled against Facebook's move to dismiss, and later all parties agreed on a settlement.

Monday 22 December 2014

Who Invented Billiards?

Welcome back my fellow learners, today we are going to learn about the history of billiards.

The history of billiards is surprisingly long, it is a game that was originally played by kings, then presidents, men and women, and even hustler. It has its roots in a lawn game quite similar to croquet played around the 15th century in Europe and France. However, it then most indoors to wooden tables that had green cloth to mimic grass, and a border was then installed around the edges. The balls back then were shoved, not struck, with wooden sticks referred to as maces. The word billiard is French, from the word billart, which was one of the wooden sticks, or bille, meaning a ball.

Most of the information regarding early billiards comes from royalty and other nobles. It was known as the Noble Game of Billiards since the 1800’s, however, there is evidence that individuals from all walks of life have played this game since its first began. In 1600, the game was familiar enough that Shakespeare made a mention of it in Anthony and Cleopatra.

The cue was created in the late 1600’s, when the ball came close to the rail, the mace was not convenient to use, due to the size of its head. In these such cases, players would simply turn the mace around and use the other way to hit the ball. This was called a queue, which means tail, this is where the word originated from. For a long time men were the only ones permitted to use the cue, women had to use the mace in case they tore their clothes with the shaper cue.

Tables originally came with flat walls for rails, and their only job was to ensure the balls did not roll off. They looked similar to river banks, and used to be referred to as banks. Players found out the balls could be bounced off the rails, and started to deliberately aim at them. Thus the bank shot was born, is when the ball rebounds from a cushion as part of a shot.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

What Is Tuberculosis?

Welcome back my fellow learners, today we are going to learn about TB.

Tuberculosis, also referred to as TB, is a bacterial infection which spreads through the lymph nodes and bloodstream to organs within a persons body. It is mostly seen in the lungs. Many people that are exposed to TB don't develop symptoms, due to the fact the bacteria will sleep within a persons body. However, should the immune system weaken, as with the case with individuals suffering from HIV or the elderly, TB bacteria can wake up. In its waking state, TB bacteria will cause the death of healthy tissue of the organs they infect. Active TB is deadly should it be left untreated.

Because the bacteria which causes tuberculosis is airborne, this disease can be highly contagious. Infection is occur should a person be exposed to someone that has TB on a daily basis, like living or working with someone in close quarters who has this active disease. Even then, the bacteria usually stay inert, or inactive after it has invaded a body, and only a small amount of people that are infected with TB will ever have the disease active. The remaining few will have what's known as a latent TB infection, this means they show no symptoms of infection, and will not be able to spread the disease, unless theirs becomes active.

However, because these dormant infections can become active, even people that show no signs of any symptoms should get medical attention. Medication will get rid of any inactive bacteria before they wake up.

TB was once an extremely virulent and widespread disease. It was however, nearly wiped out with antibiotics that were developed in 1950, however, the disease has reared its ugly head again in new and more potent forms, multi drug-resistant TB and extensively drug-resistant TB. Today, these new and dangerous forms of the disease -- resistant to some of the commonly used drug treatments, have made a public health crisis in several large cities around the world. Should you have TB, whether in its active or dormant form, seek medical treatment immediately.