Monday, 12 January 2015

What Happened To The Dinosaurs?

Welcome back my fellow learners, today we are going to find out what exactly happened to those Goliath all those decades ago

For over 150 million years, those Goliath known as dinosaurs ruled the Earth. They were so good at it, that other animal species, including mammals, had very little chance of taking anything but a secondary role on.

Then, suddenly nearly 65 million years ago, they all disappeared from the face of the earth completely. Did they have a quick and painless end?, or did this happen gradually?
With their search for answers to what wiped dinosaurs out, scientists looked beyond fossils. Geological evidence has some clues and contributed to several hypotheses of how dinosaurs become extinct.

This mystery is not a simple whodunit. The same evidence can sometimes be subject to several interpretations. To date there is no piece of evidence which can support only one hypothesis, above all others.

Scientific evidence are the building blocks of all hypotheses. To begin with, the same evidence can support multiple hypotheses. As more evidence comes to light, some hypotheses are then substantiated, whilst others are disproved, and eventually new ones are created.

Did a colliding giant asteroid or comet manage to change the shape of life on Earth?
It is agreed that an object which is 10 kilometres across, hit just off the coast of Yucatan peninsula over 65 million years ago.

According to some that maintain dinosaurs became extinction over night, the impact must have spelled a cataclysmic result.

For months, scientists state, that thick clouds of dust closed off the sun's rays, darkening and chilling the planet to dangerous levels for many plant life and, in turn, a lot of animals. When the dust finally lifted, greenhouse gases that were created by this impact made temperatures sky-rocket rising above pre-impact levels.

In only a few years, these frigid and sweltering extremes were the cause of the extinction of not only dinosaurs, but up to 70% of plants and animal life that were around at the time.

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